Submission Deadline:
December 15, 2024
Registration Deadline:
December 20, 2024
About ESS 2024
Welcome to the official website of 5th International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences (ESS 2024). ESS 2024 will be held in Xi'an City, China during December 30-31, 2024.
The aim of the conference is to provide an interactive platform for the academicians, R & D organizations, industries, innovators, entrepreneurs, government agencies and policy-makers etc., from both China and abroad to exchange ideas on recent researches and advances in the domain of Education and Social Sciences with its prospective application in the various interdisciplinary domains of engineering. This two-day conference is being organized in technical association with Research Center of Engineering and Science and will include invited keynote talks and oral paper presentations from both academia and industry to ignite our young minds, to initiate them in the field of meaningful research and thereby enrich their existing knowledge.
Call for Papers
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Academic Advising & Counselling |
Anthropology, Archaeology |
Submission Guidelines for Authors
1. Language
All submissions must be written in English.
2. Presentation & Publication
1-page abstract-only papers will be included from the presentation sessions, but excluded from the proceedings. Only full accepted papers will be published in the proceedings.
3. Article Length
The minimum number of pages per paper is 4 pages for all contributions.
The maximum number of pages per paper is 30 pages for keynote speakers.
The maximum number of pages per paper is 24 pages for regular contributions.
4. Academic Integrity
Authors have a responsibility to present work that is truly their own. Cheating and plagiarizing the work of others are serious offenses that undermine the spirit of truth in all areas of research. ESS is utterly intolerant of plagiarism. Submitted papers are expected to contain original work executed by the authors with adequate, proper and scholarly citations to the work of others. It is the job of the authors to clearly identify both their own contribution(s) and also published results / techniques on which they depend or build.
5. Formatting
Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in the template document.
6. Submission
The file format could be in MS Word or PDF files. Email your paper to
Accepted papers which meet the Conference requirements will submitted to the CPCI, CNKI, CrossRef, DOI, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Scilit for Indexing & Abstracting.